Managed Endpoint Threat Protection


Industry-Leading EDR/MDR Services

As businesses continue to embrace digitization, more devices are accessing networks, creating more opportunities for enterprising cybercriminals to make their way in. Endpoint detection and response complemented by managed detection and response, or EDR/MDR services, provide intelligent threat detection for the modern mobile world.


Endpoints are physical devices that connect to your network. Examples include smartphones, laptops, servers and desktops.

Round-the-Clock Threat Monitoring

EDR goes way beyond traditional antivirus software through intelligent behavior analytics that can detect malicious behavior, malware and viruses.

Human Analysis

MDR includes EDR technology combined with a security operations center (SOC). The result is an advanced threat detection tool powered by cybersecurity professionals.

Rollback Capabilities

If you should suffer damage from a security event, an EDR solution can turn the clock back and restore your systems to pre-event status.

Analytics and Reporting

MDR provides comprehensive, actionable reporting that meets strict compliance and regulatory data security mandates.

Other Cybersecurity Solutions We Offer at HOCS Consulting:

Food For THought

Accessible, Secure Data

One of the many challenges to modern cybersecurity involves ensuring data is secure and accessible. Partner with HOCS Consulting for EDR/MDR services that effectively do both.
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